Saturday, March 3, 2012

Andrew Breitbart


I read yesterday's news about Andrew Breitbart's passing, on my I-pad as Richard and I wanted to interview "Dustin" on the Gulf oil spill. I was very surprised. Breitbart Obama was about to release a record during the years of college, which according to some people, it would ruin his chances for reelection. ~ ~ V

I find it interesting that Judge Napolitano's show suddenly pulled from the air, because he stood up to the "police state" The United States has become. Napolitano is very vocal about how the government had breached the rights of our Constitution. Night after night it was a lone voice that says, the government that governs least is best!

Now, Breitbart is lost, the victim of an apparent heart attack. Do we ever get to the bottom of what really happened? Is a video that shows Obama in his college years to be released? If the video is not released, or we suddenly learn that they had gone, then I would suspect something other than natural causes. My heart-felt condolences go to his wife and children ....

In closing today's post: Richard Shaw and I will go home today, just in time for the weekend! We interviewed Dr. Jonathan Long, an expert on the NDE - Near Death Experiences - and then share a meal together. All this will be the Watchers 4. I'll be at the conference in Kentucky next week and hope to see some of you there. Thank you all for your prayers as we go! L.A.


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