AMD has launched his(its newest processor for socket AM3. For class mainstream, AMD provides FX-4100. With 4 core and speed of frequency 3,6 GHZ, does this new comer can vie with Intel Core i3 2100 it has been a long time masters this class?
From specification side, seen that AMD FX-4100 offers better potency. Bigger memory cache, higher speed, and number of core more making FX-4100 to come up better. At least, on paper. Temporary, Intel Core i3 2100 presents with lower speed ( even without turbo) and number of slimmer core. Still, hyperthread Intel ( what makes it can implement 4 thread) generally can vie with core in fact. Besides, efficiency of architecture Sandy Bridge also must be considered.
Second price of this same relative processor. Both residing in kisara 1 million rupiahs. If we see from platform support from side, both has owned support from motherboard which is enough is cheap. Later, chooses processor AMD can lead to lighter invesment. As usual, producer board will provide solution AMD with cheaper price compared to solution Intel. Unhappily, for the existing of the thing terjad has not
From specification side, seen that AMD FX-4100 offers better potency. Bigger memory cache, higher speed, and number of core more making FX-4100 to come up better. At least, on paper. Temporary, Intel Core i3 2100 presents with lower speed ( even without turbo) and number of slimmer core. Still, hyperthread Intel ( what makes it can implement 4 thread) generally can vie with core in fact. Besides, efficiency of architecture Sandy Bridge also must be considered.
Second price of this same relative processor. Both residing in kisara 1 million rupiahs. If we see from platform support from side, both has owned support from motherboard which is enough is cheap. Later, chooses processor AMD can lead to lighter invesment. As usual, producer board will provide solution AMD with cheaper price compared to solution Intel. Unhappily, for the existing of the thing terjad has not
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