Monday, January 2, 2012

Acer Presents ' MacBook Air ' Worth USD699 ?

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Acer Aspire S3 ultrabook
Intel some time ago came up with Ultrabook platform, to take part in the laptop market with a super-thin MacBook Air. Current, Acer is rumored to be preparing to launch 15.5-inch laptops ultrabook, with USD699 price tag.

Ultrabook increasingly demonstrate its performance, with the typical design of thinner and lighter than the MacBook Air, as well as long battery life. Samsung, HP, ASUS and beberpa other computer vendors are rushing to prepare for releasing a variant ultrabook. Perseiapan is to be released in a market that is currently fascinated with the device, such as iPad and Amazon Kindle Fire.

IT Pro Portal Launched on Thursday (29.12.2011), seems difficult for manufacturers to price ultrabook under USD1000. But according to sources cited by Digitimes, Acer seems to have solved the problem, the news proved to show that the company is preparing to release a laptop with price USD699 ultrabook.

Citing berbasi supply chain in Taiwan, Digitimes says Acer partnered with Pegatron Technologies to make laptops. Currently, Acer Wistron took to make his ultrabook devices.

Acer itself looks optimistic with ultrabooknya plan, especially when Acer's chairman, JT Wang estimates that Apple's profits in the PC industry will weaken in the next two years, as a result of the soaring sales of notebooks with Intel's design specifications ultrabook.

However it seems that Apple did not say anything to see the emergence ultrabook. As has been reported by Softpedia, Apple has ordered some product components supplier partners, to restrict the manufacture ultrabook components, particularly the manufacture of cashing from aluminum.


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